
Order of The Most Holy Savior


Is God calling you to religious life? Come for a visit to share in our daily life of simple service and prayer with a central devotion to the Eucharist through Adoration and Divine Office. United to His sufferings and passion for the salvation of souls and the unity of all Christians, we welcome the stranger.

Bridgettine Sisters Columbus Ohio
Sr. Jose Mary

1st American vocation in decades!

The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the anniversary of the re-founding of the Bridgettine Order. As such, it is when the Order’s postulants will receive the holy habit as well as a new name and enter the novitiate.
In Rome 2022, Mother Fabia clothed the first American vocation in decades in the habit and gave her a new name in religion, Sr. Jose Mary!  Laura Ruffner, now Sr. Jose Mary, entered the Order from Columbus after she graduated from OSU. She was a member of SPO Ohio.
” I am happy and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of our community in Columbus because it is here that I heard the Lord’s call to consecrate myself to Him and where I got to know our Bridgettine Sisters. Spending time with the Sisters especially joining them for their prayers confirmed the call of my heart to our charism of unity. And now after going through the process of my initial formation and looking towards my first profession of vows, I know that the Bridgettines are my family and this consecrated life the way the Lord has called me to serve His church! “
Sr.Jose Mary

One Fold, One True Shepard

Monastic & Apostolic Order Of Semi Cloistered Contemplative

Our Prayer Intentions and Works of Penance through virtues of charity, humility, and simplicity are for the healing of the division among Christians.

“If a fire is kept in a closed container, with no opening at all, the fire goes out and the container grows cold. “

(from the Revelations of St. Bridget Book VII. Ch 85)

A Calling

When did you become a Bridgettine?        “In 1997 in Mexico.” – Sr. Fabiola

What’s your favorite part of religious life? “Prayer and adoration” –  Sr. Amor

Why did you choose the Bridgettines?

“When I was young I had a dream I was in adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament. There were two sisters there kneeling in front of me in white veils as the priest gave the Benediction. Years later, I visited a Bridgettine convent. When I arrived I was invited into the chapel, as adoration was ending. There knelt two sisters, the priest, and the Blessed Sacrament – just as it had happened in my dream. Jesus led me to the Bridgettines.” -Sr. Eunice

“I am happy and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of our community in Columbus because it is here that I heard the Lord’s call to consecrate myself to Him and where I got to know our Bridgettine Sisters. Spending time with the Sisters especially joining them for their prayers confirmed the call of my heart to our charism of unity. And now after going through the process of my initial formation and looking towards my first profession of vows, I know that the Bridgettines are my family and this consecrated life the way the Lord has called me to serve His church! ” – Sr. Jose Mary

Please know the sisters are always praying for your intentions, how can we pray for you today?